Harting, Jens j.harting at fz-juelich.de
Mon Jun 26 07:54:25 CDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

this is the final announcement for this year’s edition of the Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics conference series (DSFD2017) which will take place in Erlangen, Germany, in about two weeks (10.-14.07.2017). 

So far, about 150 scientists have registered and we are looking forward to an exciting program which includes 9 invited talks, 2 tutorials, 1 special lecture, 105 contributed talks and 20 posters. Next to the scientific part of the meeting, we also organised some side activities to foster discussions and maybe future collaborations including a welcome reception on Sunday evening, a poster session on Monday, several options to learn to know the area and culture around Erlangen on Wednesday and a conference dinner on Thursday. 

In case you are still interested to come, but have not registered yet, please register online: http://dsfd2017.hi-ern.de/registration-and-fees/

The current program can be found here: http://dsfd2017.hi-ern.de/program/

Any questions? Please check out http://www.dsfd.org


Jens Harting (for the local organising committee)

Prof. Dr. Jens Harting
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg (IEK-11)
Dynamics of Complex Fluids and Interfaces
Fürther Straße 248
90429 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 911 321 69 113

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