[DSFD-info2011] Update on DSFD conference August 8-12, 2011 in Fargo

Alexander Wagner alexander.wagner at ndsu.edu
Thu Mar 10 12:46:33 CST 2011

Dear supporters of the DSFD conference <http://dsfd.org>,

I would like to give you a brief update on the state of the conference 
organization. Yesterday was the deadline for abstract submissions.

We had 84 abstracts submitted from 80 different presenters. This 
includes 20 invited presenters and 60 contributed speakers. This is a 
very good turnout for presentations, even slightly better than I had 
hoped for.

This is all the more remarkable since the number of local speakers is 
much lower that at other DSFD conferences. This low number is not 
surprising, given that the number of university researchers in a 100 
mile radius is vastly lower than in Rome or Beijing. We currently have 6 
local presentations. However, to showcase NDSU I have lobbied 
extensively to increase our visibility and I have had some promises for 
another 4 or 5 local presentations to be submitted shortly.

To put this in context let me give you the numbers of the last three 
DSFD conferences.
While we did not reach the all time record set by  the DSFD 2010 
conference in Rome (132 presentations) we had slightly more 
contributions than all the other recent conferences. The DSFD 2009 in 
Beijing had 70 presentations and the DSFD 2008 conference in 
Florianopolis, Brazil had 76 presentations.

This shows that our Fargo conference is on track to be a very 
competitive DSFD conference and that it is possible to attract a large 
number of top researchers to visit NDSU.

Now that we have received the attention of the research community we are 
working hard to make sure that they will leave with an excellent 
impression of Fargo and NDSU.

Thank you again for your support, without which we could not organize a 
successful international conference.

Best wishes

   Alexander Wagner
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