Location: Department of Physics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA
Dates: June 27 - July 1, 2022
Registration Costs: the workshop is free, but registration is required.
About: This workshop originated with current and former members and collaborators of the Wagner research group but is open to anyone interested. Participants will use this opportunity to discuss research into the fundamentals underlying the lattice Boltzmann methods. This includes the novel Molecular Dynamics lattice gas (MDLG) mapping that allows to for the derivation of the lattice Boltzmann method from Newton's equations. The second focus of the workshop will be integer lattice gas methods. The third focus are lattice Boltzmann (and Cahn Hiliard) methods for multi-phase multi-component systems.
The workshop consists of a small number of presentations, but the key purpose is personal interactions that facilitate research collaborations among the participants.
We were originally planning a purely in person workshop, but due to some travel constraints we
have now decided to add a hybrid component to the workshop to allow remote participants to
give presentations and listen to talks. You can join the presentations online at
this Skype link .
You can register by sending an email to alexander.wagner@ndsu.edu before June 8, and you know that your
registration has been completed when your name appears in the confirmed participants list.
Confirmed in person participants:
Aleksandra Pachalieva, Los Alamos National Lab
Kyle Strand, North Dakota State University
Noah Seekins, North Dakota State University
Jessica Tsao, North Dakota State University
Adam Quintana, New Mexico State University
Alexander Wagner, North Datota State University (organizer)
Aaron Feickert, Head of Research, Sypher Stack, Minneapolis
Kent Ridl, Northrop Grumman, Emerado, ND
Confirmed remote participants
Matteo Lulli, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China
Hamid Vaseghnia, University of Stavanger, Norway
Jordan Larson, Cass High School
Luiz Czelusniak, San Carlos School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
Luben Gomez, San Carlos School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
Syed Kamran Ali Galani, Pakistan
Vinicius Akyo Matsuda, San Carlos School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
Ivan Talão Martins, San Carlos School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
Edilson Guimarães de Souza, San Carlos School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo
Dilshan Abeykoon, Sri Lanka
A more detailed schedule will be posted here when registration is complete.
10am Alan Denton, Chair of Physics department, opening of the workshop
10:30am Alexander Wagner, Novel perspectives on lattice Boltzmann and their underlying lattice gases
noon Lunch
1:30pm Jordan Larson, Analytical solutions for lattice Boltzmann shear flows.
2:30pm Coffee
3:30pm Research Meetings
10am Hamed Vaseghnia, Deriving the LBM forcing term through MDLG
11am Adam Quintana, A new form of double phase separation in the Cahn Hiliard equation
noon Lunch
2pm Research Meetings
3pm Coffee
3:30pm Research Meetings
10am Kyle Strand, Overrelaxation in Integer lattice gases, A recording of the talk.
11am Aleksandra Pachalieva, Applications of the Molecular Dynamics lattice gas analysis tool
noon Lunch
Outing to a State Park.
10am Matteo Lulli, From the Ising model to lattice Boltzmann (and a useful related slides for reference
11am Adam Quintana, The He-Chen-Zhong method for multiphase systems
noon Lunch
2pm Research Meetings
3pm Coffee
3:30pm Research Meetings
10am Noah Seekins, Monte Carlo integer lattice gas
11am Luiz Czelusniak
noon Lunch
2pm Research Meetings
3pm Coffee
3:30pm Closing of the Workshop
Some pictures of the workshop can be found here.